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Django 1.4 released
2012年3月24日 17:30 | 阅读 1531 次

It's here!

After many months of work, we're proud to announce the release today of Django 1.4. There's plenty of cool stuff in this release, and the release notes cover it all in detail. You can also swing by the downloads page to grab a copy of the release package. And as always, signed checksums for the release package are available.

One important point is worth mentioning here, however: Django 1.4 is, as covered in the release notes, the last official release of Django which will support Python 2.5. When Django 1.5 is released, the minimum Python version required will be 2.6 (see this recent post for some more details on what that means), though you'll still be able to use Django 1.4 -- during its security support lifecycle -- if you need Python 2.5 support.

Finally, we'd like to point out, as always, that we couldn't do this without the help of the huge numbers of people all around the world who contribute to and improve Django every single day. All of you should give yourselves a big pat on the back.

Posted by James Bennett on March 23, 2012

from https://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2012/mar/23/14/

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