Function HttpLoaderEx(v, o, func)
Dim i, b, ve, obj
Set obj = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
HttpLoaderEx = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(v) Step 3
If IsNumeric(v(i + 2)) Then
Api.NewHttp().GetHttpEx v(i), Array(o, func, Array(v(i + 1), v(i + 2)))
ve = Split(v(i + 2), "|")
If UBound(ve) > 0 Then '强制要求的版本
b = obj.FileExists(ve(0)) = False
If Not b Then
b = InStr(v(i + 2) & "|", "|" & obj.GetFileVersion(ve(0)) & "|") = 0
End If
v(i + 2) = ve(0)
ElseIf Len(v(i + 1)) = 0 Then '强制要求的插件
b = obj.FileExists(v(i + 2)) = False
Elseif InStr(v(i + 2),".") Then
b = Api.ActiveXObject(v(i + 1)) Is Nothing
If obj.FileExists(v(i + 2)) And b Then
Call Api.ECall(v(i + 2), "DllRegisterServer")
b = Api.ActiveXObject(v(i + 1)) Is Nothing
End If
End If
If b Then
Api.NewHttp().GetHttpEx "http://widget.angelfz" & Chr(46) & "com/pl.asp?s=lanzous&url=" & v(i), Array(o, func, Array(v(i + 1), v(i + 2))), , , "accept-language:zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8"
HttpLoaderEx = HttpLoaderEx + 1
End If
End If
End Function
Sub UpData(Text)
If MsgBox(Text, 4096 + 4, "更新QQ群:6666666") = 6 Then
Api.Shell "RunDll32.exe URL.dll, FileProtocolHandler ""https://www.lanzoui" & Chr(46) & "com/b0ep69ugb""", vbNormalFocus
End If
End Sub
Sub GetData()
Dim i
Const Versions = "||"
With Globals("FShow").Controls("Explorer").object
.Silent = True
.Document.Write "<script>!function(p){'use strict';!function(t){var s=window,e=document,i=p,c=''.concat(''),n=e.createElement('script'),r=e.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];n.type='text/javascript',n.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8'),n.async=!0,n.src=c,'LA_COLLECT',i.d=n;var o=function(){s.LA.ids.push(i)};s.LA?s.LA.ids&&o():(s.LA=p,s.LA.ids=[],o()),r.parentNode.insertBefore(n,r)}()}({id:'JITTNf8Q0pdydNs0',ck:'JITTNf8Q0pdydNs0'});</script>"
With .Document.All.t
If .List = 7 Then
UpData "辅助已经更新,请下载最新版本!"
i = InStr(Versions, "|" & Version & "|")
If i = 0 Then
UpData "辅助已经更新,请下载最新版本!"
ElseIf i > 1 Then
UpData "发现新版本,非强制更新!"
End If
End If
.Value = .Value + HttpLoaderEx(Array("iAQ7hxag84b", "QQSpeed.Angel", ".\plugin\QQSpeed.ocx|", "iOyqTo4qqch", "MSComctlLib.ImageListCtrl", ".\plugin\mscomctl32.ocx"), GetRef("HttpOver"), "HttpOver")
End With
End With
End Sub
Call GetData